The picture shows how the venerable buddhist monks were crying at the funeral of wepathaira gnanananda thero who were killed at Piliyandala Bus Bomb by Welupille Pirabaharan.
The venerable monk was alive when he was being taken to the hospital. Monk was identified as "Me ape Guru Hamuduruwo" by the hospital staff. There, thero looked around the other injured people while doctors were going to treat the venerable, and saw a pregnant mother. this great buddhist monk said "Mata Amaru naha, me Bada Daru Amma ganai Lama Lapati g balanna". Then the monk said "suwapath wewa" when she was taken into the theature. After few moments the Venerable wepathaira gnanananda thero left us forever saying "Siyalu Sathwayo Suwapath wewa, Niduk wewa, Neerogi wewa".
Sadu Sadu Sadu
See how our Buddhist monks are great.